March 2015 was a rocky month for investors but a great month for my portfolio. I’ve been blogging about leaving my job and rolling my 401k over to an IRA. Two weeks ago, I finally had access to my funds and went on a mini shopping spree. I believe the market will correct at some point over the summer. Because of this I have kept a large portion of my rollover account in cash. I am waiting for the next correction to make my entry and hopefully scoop up great stocks at fantastic prices. I did however, put $34,141.45 back into the market. I also funded two Roth IRAs, totaling $11,000. For the month of March 2015 I invested $45,141.45.
Investment Hunting Updates
In the month of March I made the following fund updates:
- Valero, VLO – 7 shares, totaling $427.07
- Navios Maritime Partners, NMM – 38.26 shares, totaling $449.98
- Lorillard, LO – 6.35 shares, totaling $418.48
I sold Valero because I had only bought the stock as a test of the new Robinhood no fee brokerage company. I decided to not use Robinhood, so I closed my position. I will likley repurchase Valero later this year if the stock dips. I sold Navios Maritime Partners because this was one of my 2014 deadbeat stocks. I made the mistake of buying for yield instead of value. I sold Lorillard because I did not want to receive cash and some shares in Reynolds American, RAI stock. I already have MO and PM tobacco stocks, which is enough for me.
- Pertobras, PBR – 888 shares, totaling $5,487.91
- General Electric, GE – 130 shares, totaling $3,339.42
- Costco, COST – 14 shares, totaling $2,111.88
- Ford Motor Company, F – 32 shares, totaling $510.63
- Philip Morris, PM – 100 shares, totaling $7,905.95
- Johnson And Johnson, JNJ – 50 shares, totaling $5,103.95
- AT&T, T – 150 shares, totaling $4,994.95
- Aflac, AFL, – 50 shares, totaling $3,171.45
- MetLife, MET – 50 shares, totaling $2,547.45
- Starwood Property Trust, STWD – 200 shares, totaling $4,856.95
- Reliance Steel, RS – 20 shares, totaling $1,164.55
- Gilead Sciences, GILD – 50 shares, totaling $5,109.45
- Bank of Nova Scotia, BNS – 100 shares, totaling $4,924.95
I purchased Pertobras as a gamble that this stock will increase once the corruption scandal is over. All other purchases were to add additional shares to existing positions or to add new positions from stocks on my watchlist.
Investment Hunting Portfolio Update – March 2015
Month over month, portfolio, 401k and Roth 401k, and Savings/Emergency fund actuals are as follows:
Portfolio Update
March 1st, 2015, my portfolio market value was $28,116.92. Today the fund market value is at $77,215.51. I also have an additional $73,615.09 in cash. The total value of my investment accounts is $150,830.60. The reason for the massive increase in cash and market value is because I rolled over my 401k into an IRA.

401k and Roth 401k Fund Update
My balance as of March 16th, 2015 was $113,382.64. This entire amount was rolled over to my Roth IRA and IRA. The money is distributed between stocks and cash. I started a new 401k and Roth 401k with my new employer. My April Update will list dollar values for these new accounts.
Emergency Savings Fund Update
My emergency savings account ended February at $36,923.32, up $4,215.32 from my February total. I carry no debt so this account fluctuates by $10,000 any given month. The reason for the rise in March was I had minimal credit card charges and I didn’t invest any savings into the stock market. The account value will go up by $10,000 to $15,000 next month as I have my new employer sign-on bonus and 2014 tax returns hitting this account in April.

Month Over Month Fund Update
When everything is added up, my month over month actuals from February 2015 to March 2015 went up from $175,046, to $187,753.92 This is a $12,707.92 increase in my net worth.
Full Disclosure: Long PBR, GE, COST, F, PM, JNJ, T, AFL, MET, STWD, RS, GILD, BNS